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Saia demam ! );
Friday 16 September 2011 | 02:48 | 0 comments
--*Arynim asal akuh demam . ?
holof , doggdap lha lagu nims .
sumak idong nop mapuh ! ,
Engom ef ! paf , serabuk plop nam
natam tinoe koya comey tuf ,
Eeee ! comey nye dea , Gerey nop kekof 
sero . HAHA . Lucu ayat mum AYOMA !
sumak kot celof - celof . efhh ! ,
akuh nims dog padei nga dmam ngato kokrey ,
tpy , xpoe lhaa . mugoe yoe tuf kea pangai udof .
basoe gilongg natam nesio tuf .
koya perfect ! .
ok Enough ! go'rm ngoty lhaa akuh nims .
pastuf , akuh sakid paloe sero vess ! ,
nop buad ranoe nims .
lpas PAPA demam , MAMA pulop dmam !
Geeeerrrrggghh !
okayy BEY !

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